
  • So many meds!


    27th April 2010 - second post.

    John came home from collecting his prescription with a carrier bag FULL of meds - mostly for his sore mouth and throat.  So MANY! 

    Apparently he had to chase all over the hospital to get the doctor to put the prescription right, even though he was told to collect the meds at 4pm.  I was furious.  Isn't it enough that he has to put up with this awful disease without having to chase up somebody…

  • So now we know!


    Tuesday 27th April

    Is it really still only April?  This thing seems to have been going on for a lifetime.

    Went to the hospital today for John's second pre-chemo appointment armed with several questions for Dr Eccles.  She wrote a whole list of drugs on the prescription card for John's side-effects, i.e. his sore mouth, ulcers, sickness tabs, and a new type of morphine because the other one gives him hallucinations…

  • A few more ups than downs


    23rd April 2010 - St George's Day. 

    As John nears the end of his first three weeks of treatment, he seems to be improving a great deal so far as the sickness and pain is concerned.  We've organised his meds with a chart I made up and printed off so he knows exactly what he's taken and when - it was a bit of a minefield before when he was scribbling things down on bits of paper.

    His temper is still very unpedictable…

  • The Ups and Downs of living with Cancer


    Friday 16th April

    Where do I begin?  Little did we know, only a few months ago, that our lives would be like this.  John has gone so rapidly downhill since we first suspected that something was seriously wrong with him. 

    At the beginning of the year we were looking forward to beginning to enjoy our retirement together, making plans to move house, to have a holiday or two with our little dog Gemma and to spend time with…

  • Beautiful Words


    Tuesday 13th April

    Today an online friend from sent us a card all the way from Australia containing some beautiful handwritten lines:

    "Everyone needs beauty - places to play in and pray in where nature may heal and cheer and give strength to the body and sould alike."

    I showed it to John and it brough tears to his eyes. 

    Poor love hasn't felt well enough on some days to take even a short…