So now we know!

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Tuesday 27th April

Is it really still only April?  This thing seems to have been going on for a lifetime.

Went to the hospital today for John's second pre-chemo appointment armed with several questions for Dr Eccles.  She wrote a whole list of drugs on the prescription card for John's side-effects, i.e. his sore mouth, ulcers, sickness tabs, and a new type of morphine because the other one gives him hallucinations.  Then we delivered the form and went for a cup of tea while we waited for the drugs - 20 minutes they said.

We had one of those flashing thingies to call us when they were ready but when it hadn't flashed after half an hour, we went back to be told that there was a query on the prescription and it had gone back to the ward to be sorted out.  Decided we'd had enough of hospitals for the time being and John said he would call back for it at 4pm, which is where he is now.

We've been talking about asking them to lay it on the line for us as to how long John has left.  He's always sworn that somebody mentioned a year but I think I must have blocked it out because I don't remember anybody telling us that.

So, I came straight out at the appointment and asked, and Dr Eccles told us that it may only be a matter of months.  She used the word 'incurable' which I'm sure I've not heard before.  We know it's inoperable but incurable sounds even worse somehow.

My head's been like cotton wool ever since hearing the news and I think it's finally sunk in that I'm not going to have John around for long.  I haven't cried yet but I'm on the verge all the time and hope I can hold on till I can find somewhere private to bawl my eyes out.  I've promised to go to the cinema with my granddaughter tonight but now I wish I wasn't going.  My tears are sitting somewhere inside me screwing up my insides.

John and I don't know what to say to each other now.  I've told him he's got to hang on because I don't want to lose him and I'm praying for a miracle.  They DO happen, don't they?

  • FormerMember

    I believe in my miracles. I really do. I am so sorry to hear your story. I hope that you can get some time to let this out, it is not good to keep it pent up inside. If you want to cry, then cry. It will do you good. I don't really believe that they can really tell how long it will be. There is only one who can say, and that is good. Thinking of you. love lal xxx

  • FormerMember

    I am so sorry for what you are going through. I have been there where you are now. I finally lost my darling 4 years ago after 4 bittersweet years Miracles do happen, he was supposed to leave me within 8 months but he lived a good long healthy 4 years, he didn't become sick until the last 3 months. . He worked right up until a week before he died. We made every moment count.Sheer determination and a great love for me kept him going. We tried to keep some kind of normality. He wouldn't have wanted to be pitied.My advice to you is to let the future take care of itself, there will be a life time afterwards to grieve. Make every moment count. Make new memories to cherish. John is still here and there is a chance that he maybe for a while to come yet. People on here have proved the Drs wrong. Yes miracles do happen and I will pray for one for you and your darling John. Lots of love Julie xxxx

  • FormerMember

    hey hun ,im so sorry,but if im honest im not surprised, but i am very sad for you i had hoped for that miracle, you need to do what we did and cherish every moment and it is hard to think that at mo for you, you need to let it sink in and yes you need to let it out, and as always im here for you, love and hugs to you both jenni xxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    I'm so sorry to hear your news. Although it may be incurable, some people live with cancer for much longer than doctors think. Take care of yourself now, as well as John, and treasure every second you spend together. We're all with you in hoping for that miracle. Val XX