
  • I can't do anything right!


    Saturday 8th May

    Oh dear.  It's a bad day already and it's only just past noon.  I've been trying so hard but, in John's eyes, I'm getting everything wrong.

    He's been feeling very poorly and, as a consequence, is very touchy.  Mistakes so far today:

    1.  Didn't pour his water out to let it warm because he's not supposed to drink cold drinks.  Putting water in from the kettle to warm it is…

  • No hair! :0(


    Friday 7th May

    Over the last few days, John's hair has been falling out in handfuls.  His daughter gave us some hair clippers and I've been a little scared of using them because I'm definitely no hairdresser!

    Not only that, I didn't want to hurt him and I was afraid of his reaction when he looked in the mirror.

    He pleaded with me to do it at lunchtime today so I sat him in the kitchen and set to work…

  • The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face


    Sunday 2nd May 2010

    I was surfing the net this morning and came across a song we both love - The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face.  It reminded me of when we first met.

    I advertised in the Lonely Hearts to find John when I was feeling very lonely.  His letter stood out amongst all the rest and I phoned him straight away.  We talked several times, sometimes for an hour or more, and eventually we met. 

    He came to my flat…

  • Sorting through the photographs - happy memories.


    Sunday 2nd May 2010.

    We made a start on sorting through our vast collection of photographs today - something we've been meaning to do for ages.  We still have many, many more to sort through because John got very tired and we had to give up after a little while.

    What it has made me realise is that we have so many happy, happy memories to treasure and it brought a tear of happiness to my eye.  A lot of them are of 

  • Chemo #2


    30th April 2010

    Not so bad this time so far as the time spent in the hospital.  This time we were only three and a half hours on Ward 10 but John has ended up with a very painful arm where the IV went in.  Were told it's a common side effect but he can hardly touch it.

    Had a bit of a do with trying to see a doctor to discuss some of his meds.  We were made to feel like we were creating a bit of a fuss by the nurse