So many meds!

1 minute read time.

27th April 2010 - second post.

John came home from collecting his prescription with a carrier bag FULL of meds - mostly for his sore mouth and throat.  So MANY! 

Apparently he had to chase all over the hospital to get the doctor to put the prescription right, even though he was told to collect the meds at 4pm.  I was furious.  Isn't it enough that he has to put up with this awful disease without having to chase up somebody else's mistakes?

Then we realised that the doctor hadn't included the anti-biotic cream she'd promised for his sore and spotty nose.

She did seem to be in a bit of a hurry when we saw her and I suppose to her John is just another patient.  She was probably more interested in getting away for her lunchbreak than making sure everything was in order.

So, we're worked out another chart setting out the meds and dosages and it covers a whole page now.  He was so disheartened that he talked about giving up.  It looks like he will be all day figuring out when to take what.  Some are three times a day, some four, some before food, some after - it's enough to give you a headache.

I told him that we would get through it together and nothing else is more important than him and making him feel better.

He's exhausted, poor love, and is fast asleep on the sofa right now.  It's gone 11pm so I will wake him up when I've finished this, make him a cup of tea and tuck him up in bed.  We'll face that new chart starting from tomorrow.


  • FormerMember

    Hi madmadge,

    You will get never get used to it, For what seems like years, I have been taking 30 Tablets a day. You can bet your bottom dollar sometime during the day the doubt will come into your mind I wonder if I took one instead of two, or two instead of one, and so on.

    I have now got a system going that I take my pills depending on the time. I have a strip of cloth with pockets and the time of day Im suppose to take my pills written on each pocket. Which I fill first thing in the morning, and it works a treat for me.

    I hope your chart works for you.  Its a Bloody nusiance when you forget the time. Never mind as long as you dont forget to take them sometime.

    Take care and keep safe. Love and Hugs

  • FormerMember

    hey hun , it maybe a good idea for you to go to chemist and buy or ask for a dosset box for meds, there are 4 or 5 little boxes for each day some have times or or you can write them on, that way you can do them weekly or if changing daily, do them once a day love jenni xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jenni,

    Thanks for the idea,It would probably work, but you want to see the size of some of the pills, they are like something you would give a Horse.

    "No sarcastic Comments" Thank you.

    Hope you are keeping well and looking after yourself

    Thanks for the tip about the pills.Love and Hugs Sarsfield.XXX