No hair! :0(

1 minute read time.

Friday 7th May

Over the last few days, John's hair has been falling out in handfuls.  His daughter gave us some hair clippers and I've been a little scared of using them because I'm definitely no hairdresser!

Not only that, I didn't want to hurt him and I was afraid of his reaction when he looked in the mirror.

He pleaded with me to do it at lunchtime today so I sat him in the kitchen and set to work.  First of all I lopped off all his flowing white locks then I chose the Number 1 attachment and switched it on.  Gemma (our little dog) was convinced I was hurting him and growled at me, bless her.

It was a lot easier than I thought it would be and it only took about ten minutes to shave everything off. 

Result:  He doesn't look too bad!  He's got a nice shaped head and I told him he was as sexy as Yul Bryner, which brought a smile to his face.  He says his head is cold now and spends some of the time sitting around in a woolly hat.

I've kept a lock of his hair and I'm going to treat myself to a heart shaped locket to put it in along with a little photograph of him so that I carry a little bit of him around wherever I go.

  • FormerMember

    awww madge, big hugs to you and john =) xx

    it does good to take control of shaving hair off... i no when i had mine shaved it felt loads better and i couldnt stop laughing cuz the clippers tickled....

    and the necklace idea is lovely xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Aw bless Madge!  I remember when mums started falling out and she was devastated.  2 days later she had it all shaved off.  Love to John or is it Yul? Caroline XX

  • FormerMember


    I love your idea of a locket.

    Jo x

  • FormerMember

    aww madge,xxx tricas is comin out now too and its so sad to see her tugging it so shes goin to get shaved soon she has 2 beautiful wigs and shel wear them for goin out,but shes ok with bein bald at home

    its a terrible shock to them too,cos her red hair is down her waist and its chopped short now to make it less traumatic

    god bless u and john xxx
