Loony Rambles

  • It's all the little things adding up ...


    I am back in touch with an old friend that I was very close to and then we lost contact over something stupid, back in 2003. Found each other via a mutual friend before Xmas, emailed furiously trying to catch up on 9 years haha! Called each other on Friday - 3 hours on phone! Feels as though we were never out of touch :) Seeing each other on 21st. Kids thrilled too as they all used to be close too! Great end to the festive…

  • From inert to inspired


    Oh my gosh I HAVE been lazy with my diary!

    But then, the girls have been off school and I have lazed around *with* them and/or been ferrying them around! ;)
    And I have had visitors and been to meet friends in cafes, and had a lot of Pyjama Days.

    I have been quite well physically, my meds came to an end and didn't need anymore, been eating well and only had a sore throat for a few days - have had a week or so of waking up…

  • Some things are shiny, some are not so shiny...


    Well, I am up at silly hour despite feeling tired and trying to go to bed, because I was then plagued by a whirlwind of crap thoughts. I do have some good stuff to say as well, but I find it best if I vent my angst, then it may leave my head long enough to allow some repose ;)

    Deri's father, my ex, or twattybollox as he is affectionately known to lil ol me, has been absent for about a month. This followed about 2 weeks…

  • Friends, Birthdays, Trolls and Babies


    Well, this week has, I have to say, been mostly, Bloody Lovely :)

    Monday - two friends from work wanted to have a catch up as not seen them for months, and they treated me to a pot of tea and a jolly good laugh at the Angel. Had a good ol' natter, made me miss work and wonder how I ever did so much haha! :) I then decided I would go and see what all the fuss was about the new improved Waitrose, and in the new John Lewis…

  • Given a nudge....


    A friend asked me this today - ''Is it my imagination, or are you struggling with something other than your illness''?
    Maybe I am; I have certainly neglected this diary and up to now it has been quite cathartic. I think I have been knocked for six by recent events and come up against a brick wall, on many levels.

    Warning: you lot will know about what I'm rambling on about, so apologies if it's all a bit…