Friends, Birthdays, Trolls and Babies

2 minute read time.

Well, this week has, I have to say, been mostly, Bloody Lovely :)

Monday - two friends from work wanted to have a catch up as not seen them for months, and they treated me to a pot of tea and a jolly good laugh at the Angel. Had a good ol' natter, made me miss work and wonder how I ever did so much haha! :) I then decided I would go and see what all the fuss was about the new improved Waitrose, and in the new John Lewis section, found a a tiny box containing magnetic ladybirds/ or frogs - blast from the past!! I had the frog ones as a kid, the magnets repel so when you face them nose-to-nose they spin around! :) I bought ladybird ones to go in Deri's stocking :))

Tuesday - reflexology in the morning, then met LM for lunch and coffee and trollbead hunting and chats and giggles :))) Came away with more smiles and a surprise bead!!

Wednesday - Rituximab day at hospital (no reactions, seem to be behaving now) - lift there and back from mum, who also took Deri shopping whilst I was there, and drove me home with Bry so we had an Early Birthday Tea for Broni :)) Nomnom!

Today - B's 14th Birthday!! She brought ME tea in bed bless her, and then we opened everything and she loved the new black shiny acoustic guitar I bought :)) She has been practising with an old 3/4 on and so I was thrilled to find her this one, plus it's black to go with her grungy look ;)    Off she went with Charlotte then for birthday lunch at Frankie & Benny's! Lou came over for lunch , with baby Vince! I had cwtchs and he burbled at us and was very cute indeedy, and chatted with Lou and it was bliss and we pigged out at lunch and even D came in same room as the baby this time haha! Pam was over this eve and I cooked a scrumptious meal with massive mushrooms and we had a good natter too.

So, for all my whinging and gnashing of teeth, which is still valid of course ;), I have had a fab week so far, all because of my friends and family :)))

And it was the Solstice today and the sun returns and I am sending blessings of strength out there for me and for my family and for my friends. Love you all................................... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
