Loony Rambles

  • Bank Holiday... well, what can you say about it??


    Well, it's mostly raining so it MUST be a bank holiday ;) What are you lovely lot up to? Hopefully, chilling out :))

    Looking forward to a few things this week ... coffee at Lynne's Wed morning before I have tubes flushed (haha not for long!!) and then coffee and catch up with LM on Wednesday after we have both had our appointments... haven't seen each other since before we both went in for ops and transplants so we…

  • Hickman, you're on your way out!


    Hello my lovelies!

    Wednesdays seem to roll round quite quickly.

    I took a while to wake up properly this morning, on a Go Slow mode... Deri asked if I was ok today because I was talking slowly... bless her! So on the ball. Makes me proud of her but sad that she has to have that little niggle to deal with. I told her I was just a bit slow this morning! She's excited too because her new friend from her new school is coming…

  • Beautiful People


    Well, I have to confess to being somehwat bowled over by the lovely actions of some friends this week!! Funnily enough, LM and I had been muttering about trying to walk around one of the Race for Life routes this summer. With lots of pit stops ;-) Then, a couple of days ago, Claire asked if I'd mind if she set up a team page for people to run one of the routes in honour of me!!??!! I had a lot of dust in my eye after…

  • Getting there


    Hello troops, how's tricks?

    I am feeling a bit stronger again this week, trying to pace myself so I don't overdo it! My bloods were better again this Wednesday so don't need to go back for 2 weeks this time. Sandra the nurse said that once they can see my bloods stabilising in a few weeks, they cana rrange to get me in and get the hickman line out - whoo hoo!!!!! And they were high enough to allow me to pop into local…

  • Home Sweet Home


    Hello gang, how are we all? I am slowly getting round to reading posts and Warped again but I am behind on most news! ;))

    Went to Nevill Hall Wednesday and had my bloods done... sat talking to a fella who was in the same time as me having his 2nd transplant - his stem cells are bit sluggish. We compared notes on the horridness of transplants!
    Eventually bloods came back and the registrar took me off to discuss - they are…