Day plus 1: day of The Tube

1 minute read time.
Hello my lovelies. In typing this on the phone so apologies in advance for typos and lack of paragraphs! I enjoyed my day of rest yesterday, especially as I now have some menthol cream to keep the itchy legs under control! - My legs still LOOK horrendous, all red & blotchy, but at least I can sleep now hehe! I started on the build-up protein milkshakes yesterday too: only 1 type made me throw up so I have a few safe options haha! So this morning the Doc came round and said as my cells were so well-behaved, I could be out in 9 days instead of 12, which would be fab!! We'll have to see eh? :-))) I could see the cels going down the tube into my line - it was weird but cool haha!! Tube went in this afternoon after mum's visit: not as bad as it could have been and the nurse said I was a model patient hehe! Felt weird swallowing it but it's fine now and I can start night feeds today to keep my strength up. It comes out of nose and taped to my cheek with some hanging down and ending in the "tap" thingy. The specialist nurse came this morning to chat to me and make sure I still wanted it - "may as well" I said, smiling. She said I was very accepting! I said I'll do whatever's going to help- she said those who do have tubes get their appetites back much quicker afterwards. Mum has been up 3 times bless her :) Other friends have offered but so far I have felt so wiped out that visits would be too much, which is a shame on one hand but I have to rest so that's what I have mostly been doing :-)) And I've had loads of texts and emails etc, which has been so very useful!! And of course, you loony lot cheering each other on :-))) Much love to you lot! Xxxxxxxxxxxx
  • FormerMember

    Thinking of you Ems. Hope it's not too dreadful

    Love and cwtches,

    Odin xxxxxxx


  • FormerMember

    Big hugs Ems, you sound like you're doing really well!!!!

    Good for you for resting, model patient :)

    C xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Not a lot to say to all that, except you are a star and I am holding your hand all the way and whoo hoo to getting out early and I am plotting some fun things to do when you are out and well hehe

    New cells, new life, new ems... same lovely person just supercharged and lumpy free hahaaaaaaaa!

    You keep doing whatever it takes and stay in that zone and snooze away.

    I can do most things as you know, but the tube i would be scared of so you are more of a viking than me on that one!

    All the hugs and love to you and hoping you continue to be a model patient and get out early.

    Little My xxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Of course you are a model patient. You're an example to us all. A shining one. *hugs*


  • Hello Ems it seems that every day a huge challenge has come at you and you have met them all you are one amazing lady.I so hope they let you out early so you can carry on with your life without lumpy and without cancer.You are indeed a shining star much love huge hugs Cruton xxxx