So... 'R' day tomorrow.............

Less than one minute read time.

I have felt a bit off today. Maddening backache has not helped! Bit nauseous. When I went for my  bloods today I mentioned it to the nurse and said I had actually felt a bit more ''icky'' (dontchya love my technical terminology??) for about a week so she said tomorrow when I go for chemo #5, I can ask the doc for stronger stuff. Yippee! Also, the injections I have to do are getting more painful... it seems I getting more sensitive to pain, whether bangs, bruises, scrapes etc....

But at work, had good stuff happen as the counsellor #2 came in to confirm her starting date, and someone called in to enquire about using the centre for a food bank too, which is fab for us all! *grins*

So................................................ results day tomorrow ................ keeping  digits and appendages crossed!

Hugs and cwtchs (yes Colin, cwtchs ....... like hugs but more cuddly and cosy :) ) to you all xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Cariad,

    Feeling 'icky' is no fun.  Hope the stronger stuff helps with this.  Can they do nothing to help with the pain from the injections?

    Great news about counsellor and food bank, means more help and support for those that need you all.

    Hugs and 'cwtchs'

    Helen xxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh Ems,

    I love cwtches! My Gran used to give them to me when life wasn't going the way I wanted.

    Good luck with those results; they'd better be good or we'll set the welsh wizard with the invincibles on them.

    Come back and let us know the results soon because I still have appednages crossed which iis why my tupong isn't perfect.

    Hugs, cwtches and big kisses to you, Cariad


    XXXXX ( note they are bigger than normal)


  • FormerMember

    Hi sweetie

    I too am crossing everything crossable. Let us know when you can, won't you?

    The more they muck you about (my technical term for 'the finest medical treatment the Western world can provide'), the more sensitised you're going to get. As for the injections, I think we just run out of veins eventually.

    I hope the stronger stuff is forthcoming, and that it works.


    - Hilary xxx

  • FormerMember

    Good luck to you xxxx

  • FormerMember

    hi ems,

     icky is the best way of describing the way chemo leaves you.

    all my fingers n toes crossed, best of luck.

    big hugs and wishes to you and your family . joe xx