Glow in the Dark?

1 minute read time.

Well, no cancellations today! Arrived at the Heath hospital on time ready for PET scan! Although my mother demanded a complaints form as some chap from Lincolnshire arrived 2 hours early for his appointment and was allowed to push in and was called before me so mum turned all rattlesnake and got me in at same time lol!
So ... sitting with a book, even a really good new one, for 90 whole minutes, waiting for the day-glo dye to travel around my body, is damned tricky! Just as I was getting a numb bum and losing the plot, they called me in! 25 minutes and a backache later, I was released! And I dragged my poor mum full speed towards the cafe (much more posh than Nevill Hall !!) as I wasn't allowed to eat this morning and I was ravenous!!
Leaving my mum and her complaint form at her house, I went on to have coffee with Jo and a good ol' catch up before picking up various sprogs, although I had to wait until 5.30 as I would have been radioactive before that and wasn't allowed near small sprogs or pregnant people!
Had a text from Sascha, troll bead bracelets are being looked into :))
So, roll on chemo#5 and results of the PET scan on Wednesday................
Take care you lovely lot! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Ha ha! trollbeads ha ha! Shiny things.. get in!

    Right, now the important bit is out the way... only kidding...

    Well done you for sitting still and harumph that their cafe is better than Neville Hall (but did we notice?) and well done for surviving it all and getting home and being able to give cwtches all round again now.

    All appendages crossed on Wednesday... for good results.

    Bug hugs and cwtches and big higs and for managing to sit still for all that time have some log hogs too...

    Hope they never ask me to do one of them... no chance.

    Little My xxxx


  • FormerMember

    You would never manage!! *Grins*

    Huge nug bug higs


  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    Is it safe to read that post or is it still radio active. At 74 one has to protect one's fertility.

    Good luck Wednesday with results everything you wish for.

    Hige bag hags (they will go with the troll beads)



  • FormerMember

    Hi Colin... I think the glowing has faded somewhat, but be careful to have "minimum contact" with the post anyway ;)

    And thank you, for the good wishes and the bag hags (is he implying something there LM??), I'll keep you posted :)


  • FormerMember

    Hi Cariad,

    All the best for wednesday and for good results. Hope your Bum and Back are better soon. Dont forget the complaint Form.  All the best and Good luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx