Oohhhh blissful moments!

Less than one minute read time.

So today, Kerry came over this morning for coffee and brought  huge Chelsea Buns - oh dear what a shame!

Then at 1pm, a big red minibus from Usk House Hospice picked me up and whisked me off for complementary, complementary therapies!
So, I was made a coffee and then my therapist arrived and I was assessed and filled in my forms, and as I can't have massage at the moment, I was offered reiki or reflexology. I have experienced (and given) reiki, so I thought I'd give the latter a go - oh my goodness, pure bliss! So very very nice. Then the driver brought me home again. How fab was that?!

New washing machine that has its door completely working with no leaks arrived today so sending laundry through at a rate of knots!

The itching - grrrrrrrrrr! It is getting better I must say, but if you could see the rash (must try to take pictorial evidence!) - bleugh!

Tomorrow, more check ups and results of the biopsy too methinks. Let's see what Mr Lumpy has been up to and keep blasting him into space!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ems,

    Well done so far, and glad that Mr Lumpy has taken a hell of a battering.

    ZX Spectrum, oh those were the days. A good friend at school had one of those and I was his best friend for ages.

    I've had 3 cakes today already!

    Tight Lines

    Tim xxx

  • FormerMember

    Your hands? you lucky swine, we had to dig using our tongues!! :-D

    ooh viking words, yay! stor stor STOR kram! Stromy Greetings?? Oh that's very cool indeed ;)

    Write damn you, write, nearly done!!

    Love you all........................xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    stromy?? was that my typo or yours...

    Tim, 3 cakes???? what is it with you lot and your cakes? you are cake obsessed....!!!!

    and yes, Hilary I was very rude yesterday I confess. But as I said, don't do it when your prudish granny is visiting... luckily I have no prudes left in my family... having no family left... and i hope there are no prudish Viking grannies on here... errr ooops. If there are... ledsen för min potta mun. I won't do it again.

    Thanks for the oven gloves. I can poke without hurting my fingers now. Oh and dig for scalextric sets... vrooom vroooom. I liked it when you went too fast round the corners and they spun off across the room... and the smell. THat was nice...

    Oh fan i Helvetta, I've got a talk to write.... see you xxx

    ps I can't spell in Viking very well so sometimes it might come out wrong if you look it up on google ha ha. Well, that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it. Potty mouth? me? never!



  • FormerMember

    There's so much rubbish (well it is on the first line) on here it's difficult to sort the wheat from the chaff.

    Firstly WHOHAY! for Ems having kicked crabby where the sun don't shine. Long may the good news continue. Sounds like three of us have appointments in December. Do you think that GCs expect Christmas Presents?

    ZX Spectrum! We bought one for the kids (oh dear showing my age) and I had a great time on it, but we didn't have a game where someone came out and kicked our arse if we used four letter words. I must see if we still have it. Also a friend bought one of sinclair's calculators and dropped it on the floor and a thousand springs flew all over the place. From what my friend said at the time, I'm surprised a whole army of trolls didn't jump out and kick his arse.

    The best thing CS invented though was his electric car, well bicycle really. We had one at work to do tests to see if we could supply batteries for it, and I was laboratory manager tehe! Commercially it was a flop, but the testing was great.

    We used to have lots of fun things like that, such as the electric canal barge at Gilwern.

    I digress, three hags in a bed, cackling away and enjoying themselves????? You three,it's a naughty bed and you are not supposed to enjoy it. You are supposed to luck glum and contrite. Here I am, getting earache from one of the dead heroes of Valhalla because he has to sleep on the floor and all you can do is enjoy it!

    Cream teas nomnomnom! Scones with strawberry jam and currants in the scones, lovely. Did you spoil yourself cariad and have butter as well? Oh I forgot, I'm diabetic and it's not allowed. Damn!

    Well I've got a talk to prepare and I don't procrastinate. First though I need a snooze and then perhaps I can start it tomorrow or the next day, or next week or ......


  • FormerMember

    Hi all

                    Late again I am just so slow sorting what LM and Hills are on about. If I find out what they have been giving, I will get some. Sorry Hi Ems. You give the Mr Lumpy a good kicking. The Spectrum game I play it (yes LM Mary did not lick you putting F—k see I still cannot type it).

             Your Andy