Oohhhh blissful moments!

Less than one minute read time.

So today, Kerry came over this morning for coffee and brought  huge Chelsea Buns - oh dear what a shame!

Then at 1pm, a big red minibus from Usk House Hospice picked me up and whisked me off for complementary, complementary therapies!
So, I was made a coffee and then my therapist arrived and I was assessed and filled in my forms, and as I can't have massage at the moment, I was offered reiki or reflexology. I have experienced (and given) reiki, so I thought I'd give the latter a go - oh my goodness, pure bliss! So very very nice. Then the driver brought me home again. How fab was that?!

New washing machine that has its door completely working with no leaks arrived today so sending laundry through at a rate of knots!

The itching - grrrrrrrrrr! It is getting better I must say, but if you could see the rash (must try to take pictorial evidence!) - bleugh!

Tomorrow, more check ups and results of the biopsy too methinks. Let's see what Mr Lumpy has been up to and keep blasting him into space!

  • FormerMember

    Hi All

    Haven't been around for a while and hope that you are all well (or as well as can be expected).  I am not updating the blog because there is nothing to report other than Gordy is on a complete downer which in turn sends Mumsy and me one one too so am fighting to keep a smile on the old fizzog at the mo!  Caking is keeping me busy and I am starting to make the decorations for xmas cakes.

    All this talk of big fluffy beds, chelsea buns, cream teas, reiki, reflexology and such is making me extremely envious.  Having said that I am typing this sitting in my lovely big fluffy bed, Rocky sleeping blissfully beside me at 4.55 am!!!!

    Sleep eluding Nin again!!!!!!  I am absolutely certain that Morpheus has some grudge against me lately and just will not wrap me in his arms!  Maybe I should change my deodorant or take more showers!  LOL!

    Glad things seem to be going well and good luck for Monday!

    Much love,

    Nin xxxxx


  • FormerMember

    Isn't reflexology where they tickle your toes? Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

    I didn't get to bed until 2.00am last night (this morning) and was awake at 6.30 so I'm not looking too beautiful this morning, Nin. I wondered why people recommended a warm bath before bed, I never thought that Morpheous could have a sensiitive nose.

    Sending big hugs for you and your whole family,
