Oohhhh blissful moments!

Less than one minute read time.

So today, Kerry came over this morning for coffee and brought  huge Chelsea Buns - oh dear what a shame!

Then at 1pm, a big red minibus from Usk House Hospice picked me up and whisked me off for complementary, complementary therapies!
So, I was made a coffee and then my therapist arrived and I was assessed and filled in my forms, and as I can't have massage at the moment, I was offered reiki or reflexology. I have experienced (and given) reiki, so I thought I'd give the latter a go - oh my goodness, pure bliss! So very very nice. Then the driver brought me home again. How fab was that?!

New washing machine that has its door completely working with no leaks arrived today so sending laundry through at a rate of knots!

The itching - grrrrrrrrrr! It is getting better I must say, but if you could see the rash (must try to take pictorial evidence!) - bleugh!

Tomorrow, more check ups and results of the biopsy too methinks. Let's see what Mr Lumpy has been up to and keep blasting him into space!

  • FormerMember

    Fingers crossed for good results.  Go to hell Mr. Lumpy zap, zap.

    Take care

    Jan xx

  • FormerMember

    Cream tea. MMMMMMMMM.

    It makes me feel so OOOOOOOLD when people talk about video games they played as a kid. Eee, when I were a littl'un, we'd nowt but Scalectrix, and we had to go down t'mine to dig that out ourselves. Wi' our bare, bleeding hands!

    LM, stay away from wasps' nests. No good can come of it.

    Bugger off, Lumpy!

    And hugs to all, said Tiny Tim.


  • FormerMember

    She is Grumpy Viking!

    Yes, it IS good that they don't need me until Monday, and I won't go in again til Dec, if I got their plan right...

    I haven't gone off any foods. I didn't like eating anything on the days I had ABVD, but this one isn't stopping me eating anything!

    Yes, we must do the cackling-bed thing!! hahaha!

    Stor stor kram? Do tell...

    What wasps nest???????

    Cwtchs n Love xxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Ems, I'm using Google Translate to keep up with LM. She was very rude yesterday!

    It's a figurative wasps' nest, if it's still the same one, and really is best left alone. I'm going to have to tie her hands up in oven gloves at this rate - it works for chicken pox, I'm not so sure about wasps' nests though.


  • FormerMember

    Stor = big kram= hug.= Viking cwtches.

    well, if you keep talking Welshish at me, I'm going to talk Viking to you... :) And we say fun things like stormy greetings! Well, we are Vikings... its not going to be wussy greetings is it?

    And is it Mary the grumpy Viking, or me?

    Mary isn't much of a Viking name... and did you ever try any other naughy words?

    Sorry, that wasp thing was from somewhere else... There is a wasps nest outside my room and I want poke it. Cos wasps are stupid and I don't like them and their stings for no reason... so cross wasps might be funny. Of course its not, but its one of those things that you know you shouldn't do, which makes you want to do them cos they are sort of tempting. in a wrong way... .. curiosity killed the cat etc. What my brother and I used to call The Scream moments. When you do something wrong cos you thought it and couldn't resist and then you have to run away with your arms in the air in horror with the scream paining face on... like if you met the queen on top of a cliff.... shove... you popped a little kids balloon ... things that are just wrong, but you think it.

    I am rambling. I will shut up. I can't even remember where I am now.. Oh yeah, ems blog.

    Anyway, look at you chatting away to me, distracting me... don't you know I have a talk to write??? ha haaaaaa

    Hilary.. you had a scalextrix mine???? How bloody cool is that????

    Oh back to the writing grind.... If only I could read them my posts from macland. Much more fun...


    stor kram and cwtches