renal cancer

1 minute read time.

well not a bad day today for my mom she's had her hair done and had somrthing to eat which is a big bonus. I think she even looks a bit better today

Yesterday went well  I took her for her routine  CT scan, and yesterday morning I managed to buy a wheelchair for her at our local mobility shop, it turns out I knew the chap who own's it I went to school with him

It was a stroke of luck really I didn't order it till thursday lunch time and he delivered 11.00am yesterday morning what a knight in shinning armour he was bless him, It was so much easier with the chair getting her there and back.

I Had a lovely back massarge this afternoon  I had to take a bit of me time and try and relax for a while, Tracy the therapist I see is wonderful she worth her weight in gold she know's all about mom and to be honest she's a good shoulder to cry on "god bless you hun".

I think I will try and use this blog  everyday just so can get my feelings out if that ok with everybody.

thanx for your messages it does help knowing there are other people out their that are going through the same thing.


  • FormerMember

    Hi LIsa,

    What akind and loving daughter, buying your Mum a

    wheelchair, it will make a big difference in both your lives. Being able to go out shopping and down the pub.

    To be honest Lisa Iam thinking about buying one myself as the old legs have given up. I can manage about 20 yds and thats that. So maybe its worth the investment.

    Glad your Mums on the way up. You look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    hi lisa

    i can totally relate to you wanting to write on here daily. its what ive been doing now for the last 2 months and even though its hard sometimes i do find it helps and the support you get here is fantastic

    sending u hugs
