My mom's journey with renal cancer

1 minute read time.


Not sure if anyone will read this blog but I'll give it a go anyway,

My mom was told she had renal cancer in december 2009, she came out of the operation fairly well but then had to start a form of Chemo called sunitineb which she took for around 12 months.  She also had to have some radiotherpy on her lumbar spine and most recently on her T-spine. 

 The radiotherpy this time round really knocked her about she was in a lot of pain and had to go onto some pain patches, which also had there side own side effects such as sickness and sleeping a lot,she decided to come off these this week, so she a bit more with it.

This week not been her best I had to call the emergancy Dr in on sunday who said she had some fluid on her lung, which she had to go into hospital on wednesday to have the fluid taken off. 

Can't help thinking this bloody cancer has spread again to her lungs. 

 Tomorrow we are back at the hospital again for her routine CT scan. Then next thursday back to see the consultant for the results.

God this is so hard copying with all the up and downs, somebody once said to me "It was like a roller coaster ride" an't that the truth!!!

I so don't wont to loose her but I also hate seeing her like this, its so hard for her and she's been so brave I love my mom so  so much.

can't help thinking this is the begining of the end !!!!!


  • FormerMember

    Hi Lisa, it is a very hard journey.  I also call it the rollercoaster ride..  No 2 days are the same.  I try to just take it day by day.

    There really is nothing I can say to make you feel any better .I am sure you are being a great support for your mum.  Thinking of you  love Julie

  • FormerMember

    hi lisa.

    i can totally relate to how you are feeling and really wish there was something i can say to make it looking for that magic answer that will help me cope also with what is going on but there seems to be none.i just cope as best i can.

    it is such a roller coaster downs,so scary at times i want to get off this ride but if i do i know my dads journey has ended so i take all the dips and try to ride them out as best i can....i have written a blog and i truly find that helps even though its hard at times to update

    thinking of you and your mum and sending hugs

    wendie x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Lisa

    I am just starting on the journey supporting my Mam through cancer, and I am truly terrified.  I will be reading xx