Finding the "New Normal"

  • … not that there’s not much that is cheap in Venice ...


    Since the day Laing died, and apart from from hotels (which don’t count), I have not slept under the same roof as another person, until last night.

    You see, I have company with me. A fellow widower. Now he and his other half always wanted to go to Venice, but as with so many of us widows and widowers, cancer intervened, thank you very much, and decided to screw up the future plans we had all been making.

  • Mi dispiace


    Yes, I am sorry. My mind has been in another dimension as I prepared myself for my trip to Venice and school.

    It all began with goodish omens. I was in five rows of business class to Zurich and all by myself. I had a ball!

    I connected and got to Venice problem free. Water taxi (sod the expense) to the Campiello dei Felzi, I had barely put foot on terra firma when the agent met me and took me to the apartment. I thought…

  • Blogs, food, thought processes


    I love reading other blogs on Macmillan. They are less frenetic than the various groups where comments and a form of conversation is the norm. It feels like we have the right to pontificate as well as share our journey on a different level.

    I said au revoir (but not good-bye, please note) to both the lung cancer and bereaved spouse groups, but that has not stopped me from popping in from time to time to have my say.…

  • Cancer again


    On Friday, I overheard a normally calm colleague getting unusually tense while talking on her mobile. I could hear the other voice quite clearly, and that voice was very agitated.

    Being the nosey parker I am I hung around to see what had happened. To cut a very long story short, my colleague’s father had a pain in his side and had had an x-ray which showed a shadow on the lung. He is an ex-smoker (some 30 odd years…

  • You know I like it ...


    This evening I was listening to “Round the Horne” on Radio 4 Extra when one of our favourite (and especially Laing’s) sketches came up.

    It was where Dame Celia Molestrangler (Betty Marsden)and aging juvenile, Binky Huckerback (Hugh Paddick), were doing their weekly war time stiff upper lip film clip as ever as Charles and Fiona. 

    It had some of Laing’s favourite exchanges and I felt so happy hearing…