Back to square one

2 minute read time.

If you don’t want to read a bile filled self pitying rant, I suggest you stop now and do something else.

I’ve been back home just under a week. I had my last lesson at school just over a week ago. My two tutors, classwork and conversation, were both impressed by my achievements, as was I. And yet I feel as empty as I did on 19th January 2013 when I returned home for the first time to a house that would never have Laing in it again, well if you exclude his ashes. Sorry if that sounds tasteless.

Yes, I am flatter on my back than a bottom at an orgy. I am piling up around me more heaps of rubbish and filling up floor space and not clearing anything up. I honestly don’t give a toss. At work I am all happiness and smiles and yesterday I kept my emotions under control as, for some inexplicable reason, I thought of Laing and his love for the music of James Taylor and Carole King, thinking of albums like “Tapestry” and “sweet baby james”.

I want to cry again.

I want to lock myself away from that ghastly world out there that doesn’t know and doesn’t care.

I want to scream and shout at the Daily Mail for picking on a dead man to malign one of his sons.

I want to get hold of every Tory politician who has shied away from condemning the Daily Mail. Had anybody tried to smear my Laing, I would have stopped at nothing to make the callous bastards pay for it. It would make “Theatre of Blood” look like a Sunday School picnic.

Two weeks away from this God forsaken country, I was full of hope. I return to find it full of ghastly hate. Today I learn the former Naughtie Spoonerism (how apt it is), Jeremy Hunt, wants to stop health workers get a pay rise. Workers, such as those wonderful people who tested Laing while he was an in-patient, who diagnosed him, who gave him the necessary cocktail of chemicals so he could have more time and strength, for which I am eternally grateful. Yes, Mr. Hunt. I am talking about those people who selflessly assist the slow dying, even though they know the end in so many cases is not going to produce the most desired result. Our Health Service is not merely about what us oldies used to call, “pounds, shillings and pence”. It is about more.

Despite all these negative thoughts and emotions flowing through me, as ever, art gives me an answer to everything. In this case, it is the despairing bleak analysis of life in a pithy poem by the American all rounder, Dorothy Parker. Despite the seemingly overall negative content of this poem, reading it again before posting has, ironically, raised my spirits. Seven successive lines of negative comments, but only one is in the negative (but it is not a negative in another sense), and yet the last line contains an unuttered glimmer of hope. 


Razors pain you,
Rivers are damp,
Acids stain you,
And drugs cause cramp.

Guns aren't lawful,
Nooses give,
Gas smells awful.
You might as well live.”

Yes, Mrs. Parker. Thanks for your good advice. I guess I might as well.

  • FormerMember

    Dear Tim,

    I did read it. I liked it, and there is still humour in there despite it's sadness. And good advice indeed.

    When they told me I had cancer the message seemed to be go to bed and wait to die. I thought, might as well live while I can. So I did and so I do. And it now seems I might as well a bit longer.  I guess you might as well too.

    Of course I am in no position to give you advice and nothing I can say will make that pain go away but I can send you a big fat hug and a mutual hatred of the Mail and  rhyming slang man Tories and I'll happily hold them down while you give them a kicking.

    I'm mostly enjoying my might as well at the moment but that's because I am on the other sign of the coin to you of course and it is the metaphorical razors and nooses of cancer  that are chasing me.  I hope your might as well has some moments of joy in the them sometime  and you can find whatever is needed to run away with 2 fingers up to your razors and nooses as I do.

    In the meantime, rant away and sod tidying up and let the floor be covered and sod it all till you feel like it. One day you will tidy up and that will be fine. In the meantime wear slippers to protect your feet.

    I wear a bracelet that says F*** cancer embrace life on it. I think you would like the first half but I suspect the embrace life is a little hard for you right now. Perhaps F*** cancer, might as well live might be a better one for now.

    I wish you a gentle and speedy journey to life embracing. In the meantime we are here to hold your hand as you might as well ...

    I'm off for a swim in that damp water. I suggest you go and book dinner with LittleJen. She understands.

    Little My x

  • FormerMember

    Little My,

    You darling. You made me laugh.

    Maybe I should get a tattoo with your comment F*** cancer on it (though I'll have it in full). I'll wait till the time is right for the second part! It's thanks to people like you that keep me grounded. And I, for one, am glad you didn't simply go back to bed.

    Have a more muscular (though still somewhat flabby) homo hug.

    Now has anybody got a recipe including red or green lentils that will get my juices flowing?

  • FormerMember

    Dear Tim.

    Thank you :) Job done.

    My bracelet is in full too! Just being polite for Macland. They have the pattern for a tattoo as well. It is a Canadian foundation that raise money for cancer and for people like me that a ribbon just doesn't do it!  or look up F cancer on facebook.

    oooh you can't beat a flabby muscular homo hug haha thanks. That's got my weekend off to a good start.

    Now, cooking is much better use for that gas! I was going to write shave, swim, dye your hair purple, get trashed, kill a tory twice, and cook. but it sounded unremittingly jolly and like those 'be positive at all costs' brigade that I want to throttle. I am annoyingly positive about my cancer cos its not going to screw my attitude as well as my body but sometimes you just got to be angry and sad and if you are, then do it properly I say and be really angry and really sad. Oh I'll shut up. I ramble on for England. I blame cancer. I talk out my arse.

     Boil red lentils, add in some cheddar cheese, peanut butter, breadcrumbs, parsley, lemon juice, yeast extract and make into croquettes. Roll in egg and breadcrumbs and fry. Good with a tomato sort of sauce.

    That's as good as you are going to get from me. I don't do cooking. And don't tidy up.

     small fierce Viking hugs back.



  • FormerMember

    Hi Tim.  Big Hugs.  I think you have summed up that horrible feeling after returning home after a good trip abroad and getting back to reality.  Yes the Daily Mail and our government are enough to make anyone despair at times.  I'm pleased to hear though that you have still retained your sense of humour.  Go and make yourself something nice to eat, listen to your favourite music and make some plans for another trip to Venice one day.  xx

  • Hi Tim,


    Big hugs from me.

    Play the music, loudly, eat lots of that chocolate I am sure you brought back from Venice, raise a glass to Laing and think about getting the tattoo. I have just looked at the website Little My mentioned and it is really good. If you go for the tattoo you do know you will have to post a photo here to let us all see it.

    You have been away before and I think this time it is how long you have been on this new road. I know I have not been away (yet) but have hit the same low as you. We will both get back on track as we are both too bloody minded not to.

    Remember, if you want to beat-up an MP you will get lots of help from people here!!!
