Life with triple positive breast cancer

  • I hope it helps

    I got a phone call this week from my hospital. There is a team doing research for breast cancer. They are trying to see if some fats and cancer are connected.   They wanted to know if I would like to be part of it. I said yes. They mentione...
  • Pre-operative assessment

    Today it was my pre-operative assessment. That was easy. I think the only thing is that it made all very real. They gave me so many booklets. I spend 1 hour reading and investigating online what was what. It was good to know what would happen, but a...
  • It's lovely and it's hard

    Now that I have shared the news with some friends, I have found it's tricky to navigate the different reactions from people. I know they love and care for me, and I love them too, but that doesn't mean it's not hard at times.  Family...
  • Sharing the news

    Today I have decided to tell my friends. I spend all day replying to all the messages and phone calls. I specially wanted to tell my friends who live in my city. They are so kind and tell me they will be there if I need help. I really find that encou...
  • Biopsy Results

    I finally had my appointment to see the biopsy results. It was sadly bad news I have breast cancer, and the tumour is 17mm, grade 3, ER +, PR+ and HER2 + (they call this type triple positive). The doctor wants to remove it soon on November 3rd.&...