Biopsy Results

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I finally had my appointment to see the biopsy results. It was sadly bad news I have breast cancer, and the tumour is 17mm, grade 3, ER +, PR+ and HER2 + (they call this type triple positive). The doctor wants to remove it soon on November 3rd.  It will be a lumpectomy. She tells me I will need chemotherapy because it's HER2+. I will also get radiotherapy and hormone therapy. 

I had expected it was going to be cancer, but I didn't expected it was going to be that bad. Grade 3 means it grows fast. The news about chemotherapy are also surprising and make me scared. My children are young and our family is far, and not able to come and stay. On my husband family they all have little children, and my mother in law is looking after my father is law who has a terminal brain cancer. On my family side, they are all so far and they don't have the money to come here. I don't have the money to bring them here too. It's very frustrating and unfair. 

We went home and told our families. We are all so sad. 
