What was happening a year a year ago..

2 minute read time.

Hi guys...........just sitting here drinking my usual bucket of tea and thinking that my usual holiday is looming (yes back on the narrow boat in North wales) and remembered what was going on this time last year.

2008...........I had my operation (radical hysterectomy, large chunk of bowel removed and my ormentum taken away) I was left with tumours in the linning of my stomach, which would hopefully be destroyed by the new regime of chemos. I had come to terms with having a stoma and the scar that went from my ribs down to my boots! I had gotten over the accidental morphine overdose given to me in the hospital that almost killed me! Then being given only 5 weeks to recover from all that it was time to start chemo again. This time it was a combo of 3 different ones and they were the seriously strong ones, 10 hours to administer (I was painfully thin so 10 hours sitting on bone wasn't plesant) I ended up bacl in hospital and was put on diamorphine, I was loosing my battle and no one expected me to ever get out BUT I DID. Kev was ready to cancel our holiday (I remember telling him not to and that he could take someone else, after all he needed a break badly, but he wasn't going anywhere without me) The next phase was to see my oncoligist who was dissapointed that  these new chemos weren't agreeing with me! so he decided he would let me have my holiday and we would start again but the dosage would be reduced and I told him that I needed some help with my weight, I had tried so hard to put some on and believe me if I say I can't do something, that means I can't, so he gave me some steriods, a low dose and boy oh boy did they do the trick!

Kev and I went on our holiday and I ate everything in site, my energy levels started to rise and I started putting on a little weight. I was ready then to take another pounding from chemo but this time I had to go on the ward for fluids for 12 hours before chemo and that seemed to do the trick.

2009 I finished treatment in January. I had two all clears so far, I know there is 50% chance the cancer will return at some point, but I shall deal with that if and when it happens. I have meat on my bones again and hair on my head, Henry (my name for my stoma) is working well, no more constipation and I am making the best of what I've got. We are off on holiday on the 5th October and taking our new puppy Summit with us (ARRRRRRRRRRRH!) and then hopefully the following weekend after we return I start back at the job I loved so much before this nightmare began. I get my bouncers uniform on and have a good laugh and sort out my male door crew!

The point of my story is according to my medical team  I should not have made it.........WELL I DID...........................love Carolx I need another bucket of tea now
