
  • The Chop


    Well  i did it today got my hair cropped very short in readiness for my treatment in a few weeks. I couldnt face the trauma of if falling out , so i thought i would try and get used to it really short before the baldness sets in LOL. I even had my eyebrows and eyelashes tinted, whilst i still have them. My daughters tell me i look younger how lovley and my Gez tells me its fabulous. Do i need any other endorsements.


  • Highly Sensitive


    I dont know whether i am just being over sensitive, or not understanding or just being plain stupid.  I must admit since my diagnosis i do tend to suffer with brain fog!!!!!

    I had a phone call today from an ex work colleague, cant say we are great friends i would say more acquantnces, although she has seemed very interested in my plight so far.  She knew i was having my biopsy results on Thursday and to be honest i didnt…

  • More disappointment


    Got the results of my lymph biopsy today and unfortunately they have found some cancer in one of them so it looks like it will be axillary node clearance as well as all the other stuff on 23rd.  I shouldnt be disappointed really, but i kind of hung on the words of my oncologist the last time I saw him and he said he thought that the nodes would be clear, given that all the scans etc came back negative.

    I dont want to…

  • Nighmares and Dreamscapes


    I had the night from hell last night, i had the most awful nightmares about this cancer i woke up trembling and sweating.   I couldnt go back to sleep at all and was trying desparately not to wake my partner as he has so much to put up with.  The results of my biopsy are due on Thursday and my imagination is running away with me!  This has been my worst moment so far.  I was sure I could hear my Mum calling my name, i lost…

  • Blue Day


    When i write here i want to be upbeat positive and maybe a little lighthearted.  As Sorry guys am on a downer today so i just want to rabble on for a bit to get it off my chest, I hope you dont mind....................

    Still sore from the biopsy sick of popping pain killers and I yearn for a long hot shower!  Other than that and the fact its dull outside and the family are in their beds for sat morn lie in what should…