More disappointment

1 minute read time.

Got the results of my lymph biopsy today and unfortunately they have found some cancer in one of them so it looks like it will be axillary node clearance as well as all the other stuff on 23rd.  I shouldnt be disappointed really, but i kind of hung on the words of my oncologist the last time I saw him and he said he thought that the nodes would be clear, given that all the scans etc came back negative.

I dont want to get down and  miserable because up to now i have been so positive and just getting through the days cfounting down to the op.  I always feel when they deliver news they water things down and treat you sometimes like you are stupid.

This is my body and i need to know, i dont want any watered down version i want the real deal.  My BCN is lovely but i sometimes think she talks to me like im stupid or she holds things back.  (or am i just feeling sad and miserable)

Whatever he says it will just add another 20 minutes to the operation to do the clearance, and of course definitley chemo. I was prepared for the chmo bit in any case.  It just seems that at the moment every bit of news i get is negative when will this get better?

But as I keep saying, tomorrow is another day, i have to remain positive and hopeful, although this has to be my most difficult moment yet. I know I will likely have more to come.

Jules :(


  • FormerMember

    Hi Jules

    Don't apologise for feeling down. So many of us have been where you are right now. It is like being in limbo, waiting for everything to get moving. You will feel differently once your op is done and treatment gets started.

    Easy to say I know but try not to read too much into it being in your nodes. I know it's different for everyone but it showed in 13 of the 26 I had removed and my post-op scan was still clear for spreading. I still had the 'mop-up' chemo and rt but have now been back at work six months.

    Wishing you well with your treatment

    Love Max xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jules,

    Im so sorry that you didnt get the results you were hoping for.But as you say tomorrow is another day, and things will start to improve,and you will get out of the dark hole you are in at the minute and be back to your old self very soon. Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Jackie.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hello Jules, sorry about  your news but all is not lost - I am here today and am doing okay.  The road ahead for you seems very long, as it did for me but the time goes faster than you realise with all the appointments/surgery/fittings etc.,  Get yourself some lovely pjs for the op, ones with buttons down the front so you can wrap the top around you and do the buttons up.  You will be given some gentle exercises to do DO THEM.  Easier said than done to enjoy each day but try and do something nice for yourself because you come first right now.  I wonder whether the reason our medical teams treat us like we're stupid is because they are trying to protect us and as they don't really know you, they are treading water with you.  Also, when we are told bad news it can overwhelm us and too much info. can be too much.  Oh, and I forgot to mention you cannot use smelly soap, NO DEODORANT or talc.  Just use Simple shower wash.  You will be okay.  Ann x

  • FormerMember

    Guys you are all so flippin great and as i read your lovley messages through my tears i realise i am lucky i found you all.  Thank you for uplifting me.

    Ann - thanks for the tips no one told me any of that re talc deodorant etc, have got the pj's already! You came through and so will I :)

    Jules xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jules

    As Nic says its just a blip and not insurmountable. I had all mine taken under my left arm - they found 4 out of 19 affected.  Maybe your affected one didnt show up on the scan - I was told originally there were 2 affected and that the chemo had got rid of it in one - so like you was a bit shocked to then find out it was in 4!  Its still very early days for you and everyone is entitled to feel down, sad and miserable at times like these. But on the positive side - at least they found it before the op and can do something about it.  I'd also reiterate what Ann said about the exercises - I did them and then stopped as I thought it would be OK - and I have now had to start again! Take care xx