
  • Its been awhile!


    Hi to everyone who knows me on here and hello to those who don't.

    Its been along while since I last blogged although I have stuck around to support my old friends and others who have come along needing to be supported at the beginning of their journey.

    I just wanted to bring everyone upto date of where I am 9 months after treatment ended.

    The last time I blogged it was to say that I was awaiting a reversal of my…

  • Reversal


    Had my appointment for my reversal . I saw a new ( to me) consultant. He was lovely . He explained everything to me so as I could understand. Retired nurse or not I am the patient now and we nurses don't know everything.


     I got to know the truth of why my cancer was never discovered. I never did have a Colonoscopy, it was just a Sigmoidoscopy. Its no wonder they never found it they never went up far enough.


  • Remission/Cure


    When does the 5 years begin when a person is then considered in Remission/Cured.

    Is it from the moment the cancer is removed from the body?

    Is it from the end of treatment.

    What if the treatment is adjuvant ( back up after surgery)

    Do's anybody know?

    Love Julie X

  • 1 year on


    One year ago today I was in intensive care after my bowel bursting and the surgeons taking away half my bowel due to a very large tumour.

    I have come along way since then. Like everyone else on here I have been to hell and back again. An experience I never want to have again. God willing I might never have to.

    I feel absolutely marvellous better than I have done for years. No more IBS, no more pain, no more tiredness…

  • Out of the mouth of babes


    I read something really funny today, I thought that my pals in macland would like to hear about it.

     The vicar had asked his sunday school children to write questions to God for the church magazine.

    One child wrote " God why do you keep taking people and bringing new ones, why can't you just keep the old ones?

    As the saying go's out of the mouths of babes. Bless them

    Love to all Julie X