
  • Didn't get my bum back!!!!


    Hi everyone! Well I am back after a 9 hour operation and 12 days in hospital and feeling very weak.

    I just wanted to update you with what has happened.


    To those who don't know me I went in for a colostomy reversal.


    When the surgeon opened me up they found my bowel had dropped into my pelvic area and it was stuck to everything (adhesions)

    I now have a tempory iliostomy for 3 months and the surgeon assured me…



    Tomorrow is the day I have been waiting for these past 18 months. My stoma will be reversed and my journey with cancer will come to an end.


    Hopefully that is true, no more statistics, no more probability theory just good clean honest living. Valuing the fact that I have been very fortunate.


    I will be in hospital for upto 10 days depending on how well I recover.


    I didn't think that I would be nervous not at…

  • The Probability Theory


    The Probability Theory I wish I had never heard of it!

    I hadn't until thursday morning wqhen the postman dropped a big fat envelope through my letterbox.


    I was happily chugging along with my life. Relieved that my journey was coming to an end ( I had just been for my pre-op assessment for my stoma reversal) then Wham Splat Bam. I get blown way with what the professor said.

    That if my bowel hadn't have burst…

  • What a day!


    I have just had my pre-op assessment for my stoma reversal on the 28th Jan, next friday.

    All is well and I long for the day to come. It will be the end of my journey I hoped!


    I came home to a very large envelope from my solicitor. It was statements from 2 specialist professors in the field of surgery and oncology. I already have one from a specialist radiographer.

    I have started a complaint against my local PCT…

  • 2011


    Well 2010 ended with my partners brother getting a diagnosis of prostate cancer, caught early so the prognosis is a good one. Never the less a very scary word cancer to anyone who is told they have it.

    My partner understands how things can work out having been beside me in my journey with this dreaded disease.

    2010 also ended for me on a good note as I have finally got my date for my stoma reversal it is the 28th January…