1 year on

Less than one minute read time.

One year ago today I was in intensive care after my bowel bursting and the surgeons taking away half my bowel due to a very large tumour.

I have come along way since then. Like everyone else on here I have been to hell and back again. An experience I never want to have again. God willing I might never have to.

I feel absolutely marvellous better than I have done for years. No more IBS, no more pain, no more tiredness.

I hope for everyone to have this feeling someday.

My love to everyone and anyone who needs it.

Take care and God bless  you all. I love my friends in macland.

Julie X

  • FormerMember

    Hi jujuc,

    We love you too. Glad to hear you feeling much better,all the best for the future and Good Luck.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xxx

  • FormerMember

    Good on you Julie, that is what we like to hear girl. Enjoy your life to the full......Love Carol x

  • FormerMember

    and hasn't the year gone quick? Onwards and upwards Julie!

    Angela xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Julie,

    I keep getting a word into trying to send you a friend request. Sorry if you've had multiple part messages - I think it is to do with the mouse on my laptop. Hmmmm. Anyway, this seems to work better. I just wanted to say thanks for commenting on my blog posts and your supportive words. You've obviously been through a lot but come through it on top. Hope you now go from strength to strength.

