
  • Near the end


    Nan has deteriated so scarily quick. She has lost the ability to use one of her arms properly, she can barely speak and refuses to eat or drink properly. We think it's only hours now, not long. I am torn, part of me knows she needs to rest and be free of pain but the other half doesn't want to lose her. I am just waiting for the call with the bad news. I am so scared. My mum is at the hospital and refuses to leave but…

  • Help Me


    On Monday, the carer woke me and me mum up at 2am saying she has phoned a doctor because my nan was so wound up and wouldn't settle or sleep. The doctor checked her over and said it was a UTI and perscribed antibiotics. She had an hours sleep and we found the next day really difficult. Our GP came over and agreed with the other doctor and she was sent to a local hospital. They tested her water and said it was clear and…

  • Stressed


    Nan had 4 rounds of chemo and was doing brilliantly. All the consultants, nurses and doctors were amazed at how well she took it on. About a month ago, the first blip occured and nan got an UTI. The doctor prescribed antibiotics but was sent to hospital because the infection was somewhere else. She stayed in Cheltenham hospital for about a week were she had scans to see what the chemo had done. Since the infection she…

  • To be or not to be?


    I don't know if I should be positive. As I have said previously, the doctor said her type responds well to chemo but it is my mum. Everyone else tells me to stay positive but my mum keeps telling me to think the worst. My nan is having a bad day today and not really eating and she is fed up. Should I be glad the chemo has a good chance at working and hope for the best? Or should I think the worst?

  • The last few months


    My nan lost her husband barely three months ago. He was technically my Grandad but because my bio father left when I was a kid, he took care of me and I called him my father. The loss hit us all (me, my nan and my mum have always lived together with my dad). We haven't even got to terms with the loss and now my nan's been diagnosed with lung cancer. It is fast growing and has spread slightly to the liver. The doctor says…