Help Me

1 minute read time.

On Monday, the carer woke me and me mum up at 2am saying she has phoned a doctor because my nan was so wound up and wouldn't settle or sleep. The doctor checked her over and said it was a UTI and perscribed antibiotics. She had an hours sleep and we found the next day really difficult. Our GP came over and agreed with the other doctor and she was sent to a local hospital. They tested her water and said it was clear and a few hours later a doctor walked in, checked her chest then said I think it is part of her condition. I broke down because it meant I lost my nan. She turned into a monster, agressive, confused and having awful mood swings. The ward sister tried to explain to me that it wasn't 'permenant' but she would have good and bad days. I am furious. Why now? She was fantastic before her infection and doing ok until recently. Her results were good why would it cause this now? The stupid infection caused all this trouble and now it's suddenly her condition? The ward sister said she didn't think nan was too poorly in that respect but when a specialist nurse visited her, she said she looked worse and that things can happen despite good results. I don't know what to think. Has anyone experienced anything like this before? Please help I am so confused and angry. Oh and they haven't taken her blood since she has been in and the last time they took it was well over a week ago.
