
2 minute read time.

Nan had 4 rounds of chemo and was doing brilliantly. All the consultants, nurses and doctors were amazed at how well she took it on. About a month ago, the first blip occured and nan got an UTI. The doctor prescribed antibiotics but was sent to hospital because the infection was somewhere else. She stayed in Cheltenham hospital for about a week were she had scans to see what the chemo had done. Since the infection she has been incredibly confused and forgetful so mum was convinced it spread to her brain and on the day of the results I broke down sobbing so scared. Turns out the chemo did it's job, it didn't spread and shrunk the existing cancer. I was happy to hear that and she was soon moved to Stroud hospital for 'rehab' (They never did a thing except walk her to the toilet) She was in hospital for near a month and she came home this Saturday with a care package and it has been a nightmare. She is still in 'hospital mode', thinking she needs to be told where to go and how to lie, she gets wound up and agressive to me and my mum, she gets confused and really forgetful. A few carers and a district nurse told us that the after affects of the infection (the confusion and frustration) can stay for a bit even after it has been cleared. She wouldn't be so difficult if she wasn't wound up and confused. We have been told to give her time to settle back at home and nan herself keeps saying we won't give her a chance! It is so hard because one minite she wants to sit up, the next she wants to go down, get out of bed, get back in. It is a strain for me and my mum who are physically weak and cannot keep moving her around. She had a blood test one Sunday and her white cell was bad but the following Wednesday, another test showed her white cells go up already. I have been told that with chemo too, it can take a little longer to recover and they are going to try to build her strength up. I am going to college tomorrow as my GP, mother, nan, carers, nurses and everyone under the sun has told me to go but I am terrified in case my mum can't cope. Has anyone else had experience with this? Nan has pretty much been left in bed for 3 weeks so she will need to gradually build herself up but it is just her mental state that is exhausting. Everyone says give her time to settle and recover so she can go back to being less dippy but it is just hard to deal with her.
