Jill D's blog

  • Great News

    Hi all. Went to the surgeon yesterday for my result from the gastroscopy. Every thing is fine and no signs of any ulcers. Am have a routine Ct scan in a month on the existing kidney just to be safe, otherwise everything is A1. Bad news is that after a year of not working, i am fit to resume duties at work.. Yuk. Am off to the Drs today to get my clearance. I am going to find it hard getting back in the swing of things…
  • Breast Cancer

    Hey guys. Im going to word this blog a little differant so that it will stand out more and hopefully i will get more replies. As i never recieved chemo or Radiation after my cancer, I cannot help my friend with the questions she is throwing at me. She has been having radiation ( 5 week course ) with 3 sessions to go. She has been feeling and looking really great but people that have never had this sort of thing keep…
  • helping a friend

    Hi Guys. As i had kidney cancer, i cannot answer my girl friends questions. At the moment she is having radiation (5 week course) and she has 4 more sessions to go. She has been really fine with no after affects. People keep telling her that it will hit her after the radiation.is finished.and to expect the worst.(. Not nice of them) Has anyone been through this. I would be greatful with a little bit of feed back so that…
  • Detective Jill

    Hi Everyone. Just wanted to share this with you. Every morning at 7am our paper arrives. If i am not up early enough, Some bugger flogs it. So this morning a got up early to make sure that it did not get pinched and replaced it with an old newspaper. I wrote on it then put it back in our mailbox???? It read (Your a bloody Thief and i now know who you are. I have been watching you though the curtains). And guess what…
  • doggy doo

    Little Johnnie was screaming at the back door to his mother. !!Mum Mum Mum, I want you !! Mother calls out and says. !! Johnnie