Great News

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Hi all. Went to the surgeon yesterday for my result from the gastroscopy. Every thing is fine and no signs of any ulcers. Am have a routine Ct scan in a month on the existing kidney just to be safe, otherwise everything is A1. Bad news is that after a year of not working, i am fit to resume duties at work.. Yuk. Am off to the Drs today to get my clearance. I am going to find it hard getting back in the swing of things as i am in the habit now of coming on this site first thing in the morning. I will still be around but not as much. I would like to thank all you guys for the support and love you gave me during my illness. Take care all and god bless you all. Jill D New Zealand. ps: I have not gone completely and will drop in from time to time.xxxx
  • FormerMember


    Im so glad things are on the up, please drop in and let us all know how you are doing.  It has been a pleasure chatting with you!  I wish you continued Health and Happiness.

    Love Indie xxx

  • FormerMember

    well done pal so pleased for ye


  • FormerMember

    Hi Jill

    I have enjoyed our chats, and will miss you being there all the time, but great news that you have been given a new lease of life, getting back to work can be hard after a long period off, but you will get back into the swing of things quickly.

    You will rekindle friendships with colleagues and be part of  the workforce again, something which  I think most people on this site would love to be able to do.  Enjoy it

    Take  Care

    Jo Mac

  • FormerMember

    Great that you're physically doing so well Jill, but sorry that you're going to have to get off your ar*e and work for a change!  Still as Jo says it won't be long before you're back in the swing and you'll feel like you've never been away!

    Marsha x

  • FormerMember

    Congratulations, really pleased for you.

    Take care

    Carol xx