helping a friend

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Hi Guys. As i had kidney cancer, i cannot answer my girl friends questions. At the moment she is having radiation (5 week course) and she has 4 more sessions to go. She has been really fine with no after affects. People keep telling her that it will hit her after the finished.and to expect the worst.(. Not nice of them) Has anyone been through this. I would be greatful with a little bit of feed back so that i can reassure her..She is one brave women. Thanks. Jill D NZ
  • FormerMember

    Way back in 2003 I had 5 weeks of RT for breast cancer. I used perfume free products to wash myself with and used the cream they provided at the Rt centre  (aqueous cream) - and had very little skin problems at all - I used to let the air get to the area as much as possible (ie didnt wear bra at home). Otherwise the tiredness was bad - it seemd to creep up on me and even at 6 months after I felt like I needed a sleep in the afternoon - and it took ages to stop feeling tired. I have met people who had very bad skin reactions but they were being treated for inflammatory breast cancer and the skin itself was treated with RT - whereas my RT treated the area under the skin. Generally I would say Rt is easier than chemo - but I cant speak for everybody. I think my skin became pink after about 3 weeks of treatment. Dont know if this has been helpful but there you go. Best wishes, Jools xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thanks jools. She is grateful for any imformation, I will pass it on to her.

    Cheers  Jill D  NZ

  • FormerMember

    Sorry guys.. Forgot to mention that she has breast cancer.

    Jill D

  • FormerMember

    my dad had 6 weeks radiation and honestly he was fine with very few side effects he had lung cancer and walked for a couple of miles everyday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!