James' blog

  • That was the week that was


    In many ways the week just gone was a strange one, a bit of a well...nothing week. 

    It started full of anticipation as I was top of the MDT meeting Monday morning and fully expecting the mighty weight of the NHS to come steaming in on my side against this weeks oppenent; enlarged lymph node in the neck.  So I waited patiently for the call but.................nothing.  I gave up on Thursday and called them (notice the NHS…

  • Two me's - heaven help us!!

    So I’ve been away for a couple of days (work does get in the way of leisure sometimes) and during my whistlestop tour of England I have come to realise that there’s actually two versions of me at the moment; ill me and fit me.  In truth I feel fine and physically I’m back in shape,  apart from I’m now sporting my own portable soap dish where my left shoulder used to be, but this isn’t obvious if I’m wearing…
  • Sunday - a day of rest.


    So day two of cancer relief has been quite pleasant.  Got up late, did very little and achieved even less - perfect.  Well so very nearly........

    Two things of note occurred today; the in-laws came round for tea and a friend I hadn't heard from for a couple of years rang to announce he was stopping by, coincidentally at the same time.

    So there I am having a chat with the mother-in-law about events of the past week…

  • The slightly difficult third post........


    What with it being Saturday and all I basically had a cancer free day - now strictly speaking that of course is a big fat lie, 'cos obviously melanoma isn't employed by my body on a 9 to 5 five day week.  What I of course meant is I had a medical personnel free day - no visits, no letters, no phone calls, no poking, no prodding, no questions, no lectures and best of all no needles....ahhh no needles.

    I've had…

  • The follow up second post


    As I promised to keep this up to date I thought I better had,,,,,don't want to start off by telling lies do I?

    Quite disappointingly I've had very little news today - I was sort of hoping than the good old NHS would have sprung into action and booked me a table in a theatre somewhere but apparently not - seemingly I will be discussed at Mondays meeting and my treatment mapped out from there.  The only news wasn…