That was the week that was

2 minute read time.

In many ways the week just gone was a strange one, a bit of a well...nothing week. 

It started full of anticipation as I was top of the MDT meeting Monday morning and fully expecting the mighty weight of the NHS to come steaming in on my side against this weeks oppenent; enlarged lymph node in the neck.  So I waited patiently for the call but.................nothing.  I gave up on Thursday and called them (notice the NHS is now a them). Apparently:

a.  They haven't forgotten me (that's nice).

b. They're treating my case as urgent (that's nice).

c. Yes yes we know a weeks gone by but you are top of the list (that's nice)

d. Yes yes we understand it's a tad worrying for you (that's nice)

e. The delay, umm the delay.....well umm....umm.... well the consultant is away on holiday (ON HOLIDAY, does he not know who I am???). 

So I find myself no further forward today than I was a week ago.  But on the plus side no needles, no waiting around in waiting rooms and no hospital food - every cloud, silver lining and all that.

So what to write about then?

How about things which annoy me?  Yep I hear you all say so here goes.....

Cucumber.  It's the food of the devil and appears to be served with every bloody meal you get in a restaurant these days.  One hotel chain even manage to sneak onto your plate for breakfast with a bacon roll.

Latte.  It was milky coffee when I was younger (and I was) - try asking for a milky coffee in Costa and watch the confusion on the assisstants face.

Janet Street Porter.

The X Factor.  Rubbish reality TV that somehow makes me watch it.  I swear there's some form of subliminal hypno message being broadcast.  I know it's rubbish, I hate it but still I watch it,. Why?

Fiona Bruce's eyebrows.  Never noticed them?  you will now.

BT asking you to input your number when you ring them up.  Why?  Because the first person that you talk to asks for your number, and then the next person, and the next, ad infitnitum......

Wasps.  They scare me and appear to serve no purpose in the food chain.

The dishwasher.  It's always full, how can that be???

The English abroad. If you want Fish & Chips washed down with Fosters go to Blackpool.

and finally.....

Lorries.  Why do lorry drivers think that overtaking on a dual carriageway whilst going uphill is ever a good idea?

There are others, lots of others but I'm saving them for another slow week which I'm feeling may not be that far away!!

Have a good weekend y'all.

  • FormerMember

    Hi, Steve.

    So sorry that you are having to wait, wait and wait again - this waiting around is such a pain in the proverbial!!

    Thought I should tell you that I am now desperately scouring the 'gold'channels for a glimpse of Fiona Bruce's eyebrows - there will be no meal for anyone tonight until I have found them!

    have you considered auditioning for Grumpy Old Men? Your observations are so acute, they had me chuckling as i read them.

    take good care now

    Sue xx

  • FormerMember

    "Fiona Bruce's eyebrows - I have noticed them, I wonder if it's the camera angle because I only notice them on Antiques Roadshow, they are very off-putting.  Oh and cappuccino used to be called frothy coffee when I was a kid and it was served in a pyrex cup and saucer!

    Glad you didn't have to have blood tests this time.

    Have a good weekend - looks like is going to be a sunny one (if you believe the weathermen)

    Jo x