James' blog

  • The FA Cup is easy


    This will be m shortest blog ever as I have to dash off to another football match.

    Just to confirm in writing that my lads played brilliantly on Saturday to win our first ever FA Cup match by the odd goal in.......well one!!

    Next round is a week this Saturday against the might of Hungerford who are top of their league, which is a couple of levels above us, so we will need lots of positive energy putting out there on…

  • See, I do know best.


    Before I get going on today I must fill in a bit from yesterday which I left out - it was quite an important bit too but I had so much to say that my fingers were ahead of my brain and I'd pushed the publish button before I knew what was happening.

    My very good friend Graham was driving merrily to work when the car towing a trailer two in front of him lost a wheel from said trailer.  Mr Fisher's instincts kicked in and…

  • Wet, Windy and Deodorant.


    Well that was a long old day.

    It was a tad wet when I got out of bed this morning and got progressively wetter as the morning went on. But before venturing out into the great unknown, I first had to negotiate the in house rush hour.  Thought I'd steal a march on the rest of them and sneak a shower immediately upon rising but fell disasterously at the first hurdle - son needed the bathroom apparently (well there's a…

  • I'm back on mac


    So I'm back.

    I've been having a cancer free period, so have deliberately stayed away from here but am now entering another phase of appointments, surgery etc. so I've returned to share my thoughts, fears and experiences with you all.

    Tomorrow I'm off in to see the consultant who performed my WLE on the shoulder and kindly removed my 28 lymph nodes (only one infected - that's good eh? to quote him)…

  • Hurry up and wait a minute.


    So here I am with this hideous monsterous lymph node thingy in my neck, which to be fair the NHS discovered for me, and I'm expecting heaven and earth to be moved in getting the damn thing and his mates out of me. Eventually, 12 days after finding it somebody actually calls me, not just any old body but somebody important from the hospital (at least she sounded important).

    Am I free next Thursday....no no not the 4th…