The slightly difficult third post........

1 minute read time.

What with it being Saturday and all I basically had a cancer free day - now strictly speaking that of course is a big fat lie, 'cos obviously melanoma isn't employed by my body on a 9 to 5 five day week.  What I of course meant is I had a medical personnel free day - no visits, no letters, no phone calls, no poking, no prodding, no questions, no lectures and best of all no needles....ahhh no needles.

I've had needles stuck just about everywhere in the past few weeks.  Now I'm the world's biggest coward when it comes to needles and that's when they are inserted in the conventional upper arm area.  Imagine then my terror(s) at being stuck in such sacred places as my thigh, my armpit and the holy grail of my neck.  Add in my shoulder, my hands, my arse and a myriad of bloodtests (all from my right arm as the left is now out of bounds due to the lack lymph nodes) then you can appreciate the full extent of my issues.  I am of course a big girls blouse but feel I deserve some sort of recognition for my undoubted bravery, after all I haven't cried once (although the core biopsy was touch and go!!).

Why do they take so much blood?  Moving on........

Most of the day was taken up with the football match against the team my brother manages.  Heartless soul that he is, he made no allowance for me being ill and duly beat me 2 - 0.  Not that surprising really as they are a league higher than us and the game itself was played in good spirits, so pretty good all in all apart from one thing - the sun came out.

Abject terror all round - no sun cream, no hat, in fact totally unprepared as the weather wasn;t that great when we started out.  The sun you see and melanoma just don't mix so guess what I did?  That's right.......... nothing.  I just carried on as normal.  How bad am I?  Whatever happens don't tell the fearsome Sister Jo though, as I'm sure she'd wreak some terrible revenge on me.

Probably involving a needle!!

  • FormerMember

    Hi Stevie

    Whatever revenge Sister Jo does wreak on you (if she finds out), I hope it's not an extra long needle in a sensitive place.  Hope you remember your suncream, etc today - I think it's going to be a hot one!

    John used to have a needle phobia but now he takes it all in his stride.  I have to give him a daily one in his tummy and it hurts me just as much as it hurts him.  I believe some patients do it themselves but I find that unimagineable.  Ouch!

    If I was clever with the computer I would post a picture of a gold star for being so brave but you'll have to make do with one of these - (*).  Not quite the same but the meaning's the same.

    Hope today is another 'cancer free' day.  Hopefully it should be as it's Sunday (I think).  I'm never quite sure what day it is nowadays.

    Take care Stevie.

    Lots of love and *hugs*, Madge x x x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Stevie,

    Loved the post... I used to laugh when they would tell me I was anaemic and I would think I'm not surprised with all the blood you are taking out!! Big gold star from me too  for being such a brave boy *

    Your secret is safe with me.. we all have our naughty things that we do! Now, be a good boy and listen to auntie Madge and put on your suncream before you go out today...I reckon she's worse than Sister Jo!!

    Sorry you lost the match- should have played your cancer card after all;)

    Little Myxx

  • FormerMember


    Oh dear, well you wont do that again will you!

    I never go anywhere without a hat and a white long sleeved shirt, I keep them in the car, just in case the weather surprises me.

    I don't use sun cream as since the treatment I get prickly heat when I use it - I find covering up is the best option (for me anyway)

    Looks like it's going to be another nice day today so stay safe.


  • FormerMember

    You little bugger!!!!!!!

    No, its not your sister caught up with you (yet)

    Great to hear a good post again, glad you enjoyed your day but do take care with the sun :)

    Take care mate

    Shaz xx

    ps. (*) for being brave x

  • FormerMember

    Aaaaahhhhhh Saturday the day of rest or is that Sunday?

    Lol sister Jo will know............. Once you get diagnosed they're watching! Buy a batch of hats and suncream and put them everywhere that way you'll never be without!

    If i makes you feel any better I'm scared of the blood pressure machine. When they come around to take mum's obs I cower in the corner.

    Sorry to hear about the footie match, although a league higher hmmm i wonder why?

    Take Care Stevie

    Tiggs x