I've always been the strong one!

  • We Continue To Battle.


    My dad started his chemo and after 6 lots of treatment had a scan. My siblings took it in turns taking him to his appointments as this time round he was a bit ill each time he had a dose....i couldn't as i didn't drive at the time. I made sure i went round every week though and got him and my mum anything they needed. This wasn't often though as my dad is fiercely proud and independant....another trait i get from him…

  • Just When We Thought All Was Well.


    At his first 6 monthly scan for his liver they decided to do a full body scan as my dad had been struggling with his breathing quite a bit. Nothing too serious, just getting short of breath when cleaning up and walking to the shops. This, we all thought, was maybe to do with his asthma that my dad had had all his life. Just to be safe though the drs said they would scan his body to make sure all was okay. He had lost…

  • Continuing The Battle.


    When my dad went in for the operation on his liver i vowed to go and see him after this one as i felt even more so that i should show my support. I wasn't however prepared for how it would be. My siblings and my mum protected me from what had really gone on during his operation until a few months down the line, but i shall explain that later. My dad was in ICU and then progressed onto HDU after a short period as he improved…

  • The Battle.


    The course of treatment for both tumours was operations followed by chemotherapy, but they could not be done together. First his bowel and colon had to be taken care of as this was the worst one, so he was booked in for his operation. I never went to see my dad after his operation as i couldn't bring myself to, and for this i felt awful, but i spoke to my mum and siblings every day to find out how he was getting on. I…

  • The beginning.


    My dad is my hero, always has been and always will be. He has taught me to be strong and forward speaking....no matter what the consequences and just like my dad i try and keep my emotions under wraps unless necessary. But as you will discover i am finding it harder and harder now.

    Just a couple of days before his 70th birthday 5 years ago my dad discovered he had bowel and colon cancer. Telling us, (his 5 children)…