Just When We Thought All Was Well.

1 minute read time.

At his first 6 monthly scan for his liver they decided to do a full body scan as my dad had been struggling with his breathing quite a bit. Nothing too serious, just getting short of breath when cleaning up and walking to the shops. This, we all thought, was maybe to do with his asthma that my dad had had all his life. Just to be safe though the drs said they would scan his body to make sure all was okay. He had lost a bit of weight but he had put that down to changing his diet to a healthy eating one.

The results weren't that great. Yet again, just before his birthday, we discovered that my dad had tumours in both his lungs. Only small ones but two in each lung, therefore making them inoperable in any way. The only treatment option was chemotherapy. This would hopefully shrink and kill off the tumours or at worst keep them from growing any bigger and spreading. 

Because of how much of a fighter my dad was with the last lot of cancers and because he had defeated them and come back better than ever we all thought that the chemo would get rid of the tumours and that he would be fine once again. We were only half right.

Throughout everything from the start until this point i had been the strong one, never crying about it or talking about it to outside members of the family or my friends, and i promised myself that i would continue this way as everyone else around my dad was breaking down and getting upset about it. My dad himself has admitted that he shed a tear or two when he was told the cancer was back. But i decided that the best thing he needed was to see someone up beat about it in the hope that it would bring back his belief that he could beat this one also.

I did loads of research into it and even though i discovered that lung cancer is extremely hard to beat, it is possible and i gave these facts to my dad. In fact i gave him every bit of good information i could find about it. 
