The beginning.

1 minute read time.

My dad is my hero, always has been and always will be. He has taught me to be strong and forward matter what the consequences and just like my dad i try and keep my emotions under wraps unless necessary. But as you will discover i am finding it harder and harder now.

Just a couple of days before his 70th birthday 5 years ago my dad discovered he had bowel and colon cancer. Telling us, (his 5 children), must have been the hardest thing he had ever had to do, but he did it with dignity and fighting spirit and vowed that he would do whatever necessary to get rid of it. This spirit in him gave us hope as we all struggled to take in the news, i mean things like this don't happen to us, they only happen to other people and we just hear about it!

I went into a sort of denial about it to be honest and found it hard to understand the seriousness of the situation. My dad was told that he would have a full body scan to make sure there were no other cancers in his body then he could start treatment, which would be an operation to remove the cancer if possible and chemotherapy to keep it away, hopefully.

We celebrated his birthday as a family with a meal and a few drinks and i made sure i took in every detail to remember how happy and full of life he was....just in case the worst happened. Sombre i know, but another thing my dad taught me was to always give yourself a worse case scenario in any situation and if it's better than that then you're happy and it's a great bonus.

A few days later he had his scan and when the results came through we discovered that he had a secondary tumour in his liver too....we were all devastated.
