Continuing The Battle.

1 minute read time.

When my dad went in for the operation on his liver i vowed to go and see him after this one as i felt even more so that i should show my support. I wasn't however prepared for how it would be. My siblings and my mum protected me from what had really gone on during his operation until a few months down the line, but i shall explain that later. My dad was in ICU and then progressed onto HDU after a short period as he improved greatly and quickly. But seeing him there all wired up to machines monitoring everything was a huge shock. He looked ill and sounded terrible and had lost what seemed to me like an enormous amount of weight overnight. I struggled to hold back my tears, trying my best to not show my emotion so he didn't worry or get upset. He made great progress over the following week and was moved onto a normal ward. I took my two eldest children up to see him as i knew this would give him a smile. I didn't explain exactly what had happened to their grandad, i just told them he had had an operation and that he was poorly. 

Once my dad was home from hospital and his scar tissue had healed sufficiently he started another round of chemotherapy treatment. This again was successful and he was given the all clear from cancer.

He progressed through his 3 monthly scans and was put upto 6 monthly scans for his liver and 9 monthly ones for his bowel. 

Thinking the worst was over we all breathed a huge sigh of relief, thinking that all would be fine at last.
