We Continue To Battle.

1 minute read time.

My dad started his chemo and after 6 lots of treatment had a scan. My siblings took it in turns taking him to his appointments as this time round he was a bit ill each time he had a dose....i couldn't as i didn't drive at the time. I made sure i went round every week though and got him and my mum anything they needed. This wasn't often though as my dad is fiercely proud and independant....another trait i get from him lol. The scan told us that the chemo had shrunk the tumours enough for them not to be a worry anymore and that he would be sent for in 6 months time for another scan, unless in the meantime he felt unwell, at which point he was told to go back immediately.

We got on with things for 6 months and life returned almost back to normal for everyone. It was at this point i discovered that i had been shadowed from a lot of what went on when my dad had his liver cancer removed. I found out that he had almost died twice during the operation and it was touch and go when the operation was over which was why he was in ICU. I had been told that he was only there as it was common procedure after such a serious operation. I was angry and upset with my family for keeping that from me and still am really but i don't dwell on it as i know they only did it to protect me as they all know how much i worship my dad.

My dad then started to feel unwell again and started having problems with his stomach and bowel again. He was sent an emergency appointment for an investigation. I took him to this appointment and sat waiting, hoping that everything was alright. The results were given straight away and it turned out that all was fine, just a little infection that had upset his stomach and bowels.

Another sigh of relief all round.
