ilovehersomuch's blog

  • Does any thing work on this site?


    I have tried to leave messages for people and nothing ever seems to work on this site since they messed with it. 

  • One More Hug

    I am still having a hard time accepting that I will never see my mum on this side of life again. I find myself thinking about having one more hug from her and for me to be able to squeeze her tight with all the love I feel for her. It is when I have this thought that I miss her the most. No matter how much you do do in the time you know is left you still want more. My mum taught me to be happy with what you have and…
  • Time Goes By

    It has been just over a month since my mum was taken away from her family that needs her so much. I arranged the funeral and it kept me focussed. It was a fitting tribute to a lovely lady and the crematorium was packed, so many people attended that people had to stand. It was awful to have to say goodbye. We then burried my mum's ashes and this was a peaceful moment in a special woodland. My mum, like many other…
  • Her Pain has Stopped but Mine is Just Beginning

    My Mum sadly, and I mean sadly, passed away at 5.20pm on Friday 17th July. My world will never be the same. No matter how long or short of a time you have to prepare you simply can't. The bottom dropped out of my world and I still think in my deepest part of my brain I had still hoped she would recover and we would get another chance. No the reality is that this cruel disease took away yet another fantastic woman…
  • How much suffering do you have to watch?

    Mum got told that the cancer was now in her liver last Thursday. She came out of hospital, well my dad absconded with her on the Friday as he was disgusted at how she was being cared for and on the Monday mum was in high spirits, dressed and very talkative. The best she had been in months. As the days have gone on, all 7 of them, she has deteriorated with a speed I was not prepared for. Today she can no longer eat…