How much suffering do you have to watch?

1 minute read time.
Mum got told that the cancer was now in her liver last Thursday. She came out of hospital, well my dad absconded with her on the Friday as he was disgusted at how she was being cared for and on the Monday mum was in high spirits, dressed and very talkative. The best she had been in months. As the days have gone on, all 7 of them, she has deteriorated with a speed I was not prepared for. Today she can no longer eat solids, she cried yesterday as my dad gave her her dinner as she could not face trying to swallow the food. Today she has refused any visitors, including one of my sisters. I believe she has given up and I am in so much pain. Why should anyone, yet alone my mum go through this. What is this disease doing to the inside of her, what havoc and pain is it causing that we can not see? My mum has said she is not really in pain but something feels strange inside of her. My mind is thinking that the feeling is the cancer eating its way around my mum. I am convinced now that time is most definately running out and even though I am still hoping that she wakes up one morning and she is fully recovered.