Horsewoman's blog

  • 3 years on


    Well next week I will be three years down the line from diagnosis I am ok physically apart from bone deterioration due to Letrozole but am doing ok back at work and getting on with it .I look on here not as regularly as I did before but periodically.My head is a different matter to the outsisde world all appears to be normal,but I can't shake the constant worry it will return I am thinking of having counselling to help…

  • A down day

    Well I was doing ok til from nowhere a black cloud descended on me fourth chemo due this thurs[last of the epi] and an appointment with the oncologist,I started to put together a list of questions i wanted to ask both him and the breast nurse regarding my prognosis as i realised no one has given me any facts and figures as to my sucess rate so i started looking up statistics on t'internet[big mistake!] so i have now dug…
  • a day at a time

    Well it just goes to show you can't rest on your laurels !!! There i was thinking i had the chemo thing sorted on xmas eve i suddenly came to found a renewed energy and assumed i was over the worst of it.I had a few good days until mon I went for my midway bloods ,went shopping and had my lunch out, was tired when i got back[can live with that] had missed calls from the hosp re my bloods,she eventually got hold of me…
  • One down 7 to go

    Hi Folks Had first chemo on Wed was really scared but turned out to be not too bad[the process itself] felt sick and was in bed by 7.30 on wed evening slept fitfully with hot flushes and a bucket by the side of the bed [overkill i know but was worried].Iwasnt sick but didn't get up till 12.00 next day and then i got a second wind wrote and posted cards and even went for an icecream in our local icecream parlour thought…
  • Another day another hurdle [a grand day out]

    I went for my ct and bone scan yesterday and some bloods before i saw the oncologist today it was a long day,first off to pathology with my little envelope and the letter from the oncologist[9.00am] got put straight thru[in case i catch anything in the waiting room] then into cafe for tea and a currant t cake.10.20 appt with isotope imaging to get the radioactive stuff put in then told to drink 2 pints of liquid and come…