a day at a time

1 minute read time.
Well it just goes to show you can't rest on your laurels !!! There i was thinking i had the chemo thing sorted on xmas eve i suddenly came to found a renewed energy and assumed i was over the worst of it.I had a few good days until mon I went for my midway bloods ,went shopping and had my lunch out, was tired when i got back[can live with that] had missed calls from the hosp re my bloods,she eventually got hold of me to advise me they were very low [0.2] and to be aware i am susceptible to infection so be careful and keep an eye on my temp.On tues took my temp which gradually increased but still felt ok so rang the hosp at 38c they told me to come in and pack a bag and there i was on a drip with antibiotics and had to stay in overnight with the possiblity of new years eve in if my bloods didn't improve.The lovely nurse explained the seriousness of getting an infection to me i felt like a fraud cos i felt ok but my temp was still up. the bloods next day were back up to 1.9 [how can that be in a short time] so they let me out not that i was going anywhere for new year i just didn't want to be in hospital,that serves me right for being complacent and then as if by magic exactly 2 weeks to the day my hair started coming out in big chunks [the chemo does what it says on the tin !!!].My new year resolution is not to take things for granted and go with your instinct so i got my hubby to shave my hair off might as well get to it first! so bring on 2009
  • FormerMember

    Hi Horsewoman,

    Good luck for 2009.

    I know what you mean about being complacent. It's hard to be careful when you're feeling well. But always be aware that you're prone to infection while you're on chemo so best to play it safe and keep away from crowds. You can make up for lost time when your bloods are back to normal!

    Good luck and best wishes, Shelagh

  • FormerMember

    Sorry to hear you'd been in hospital. It happened to me too but I felt really off by the time they took me on for overnight obs. Sorry about the hair too. It's hard to think while you're in the middle of it all that it will ever end, but it does. When I compare how I am today to a year ago when I'd just finished chemo and was waiting for radiotherapy - well it's amazing. We're all behind you pushing you up that big mountain. Take care x