A final update!

1 minute read time.

I thought it was high time I finished the blog off! 

So here goes. Cycle 6 was pretty uneventful. The tiredness definitely continued for the 3 weeks post cycle 6. I got those scan results back and it was wonderful news! 

At the outset of my journey the infected lymph nodes had been measured at 18mm a normal lymph is between 3-5mm depending on where it is. 

well the scan done at cycle 5 showed that my lymph’s had all dramatically reduced in size from 18mm to normal size between 3-5mm. So the chemo definitely killed lots of cancer! The journey was worth it! My post cycle 6 PSA also came back a few weeks after this at an impressive 0.26. Down from my start point of 111 so the combo of Zoladex ADT and Chemo definitely killed most of it!

A few weeks later I received the invite to start my 20 sessions of EB radiotherapy at Castle Hill hospital in Hull. My 20 sessions went really well. I had them between Nov - Dec 13th 24. A few mild side effects. Mainly painful peeing! But all in all ok. 4 weeks later I had my review, all good! PSA 0.05. My oncologist expects it to fall to an undetectable 0.01 and so now it’s up to the zoladex and my determination to keep it a bay for a long long time! 

Oh and as a little footnote, all the hair is back, still grey though and it’s not gone curly! 
