Days 1 - 9 cycle 2 - All’s well except my hair!

1 minute read time.

Sorry bit late to the pass with this week’s blog! I’ll try harder next week.

Day 1 - After the 2nd infusion I was, like last time, bouncing off the walls. Hyper active from the Dexamethasone, I don’t know what’s in that stuff, but it’s pure evil! The night of the infusion and night 1 zero sleep. Not even my usual Nytol tab worked. The good thing was I got a bit of decorating done outside, because I was soo active! And strangely tired at the same time.

Day 2 - Pretty much the same! Got the woodwork glossed! Joy

Days 3&4 - Everyone says it, and it’s true, these are the worst days! You come down off of the Dexamethasone and the chemo kicks in. It hurt in the places it should, mainly groin and pelvis; basically where my cancer is. Took some paracetamol for that. Boy was i knackered, partly due to lack of sleep I think, and partly the chemo itself. I took the advice of many “listen to your body” rested and ate lots of bad food, mainly chocolate!  The effects of this chemo with Prednisone are it makes you hungry. Forget those ad’s you see of wasting away patients on chemo. Prostrate cancer chemo has the potential to make you over eat and fat! As if the hormone therapy isn’t bad enough for that! 

Days 5-9 - As per last time day 5,  I turned the corner, felt much better. Only gripe was the heartburn, which seems to strike me on day 5-7. I was prepared, plenty of omerprazole and also the Famoutidine I’d been prescribed during cycle 1. This worked! I just avoided coffee and spicy stuff. Generally a trigger for me. 

The hair on my head continues to dwindle, as evidenced by the remnants of the bath water. It looks like I’ve bathed a malting dog in it! That said, I still have enough to cover my head and get by. The receptionist at the doctors said “I looked good, considering” now I don’t  know whether that was a compliment or not. 

So here I am on day 10, writing this and thinking, cycle 2 has, for me, so far been slightly better than cycle 1!

  • Good to hear that cycle two is done and was better than cycle one. How many cycles are you having?

    Sorry about the hair loss; my hair went a decade earlier than the cancer arrived and I have been wearing hats since my late 40s. 

  • Hi, Thanks for that, I’m having 6 cycles Docetaxel. My last infusion is on 9th October. How about you? Are you having treatment at the moment for your cancer? 

  • Hi Grant ( 

    You are doing great - keep up the blog, we are all with you here, and to be honest at some point in the future, who knows, I may well be writing the same words!! (sometimes you just hate waiting for the results of a six monthly PSA test and it's not 'till next week!!).

    Best wishes - Brian