Getting on to the roller coaster

  • Hospital tomorrow

    An eventful few days. My mates and I have over the years swapped Friday and Saturday nights out to Saturday nights out to no nights out and then invented the curry club where we meet roughly every six weeks for a curry and a few beers to catch up on news of our lives and have a laugh. Such a night was pre planned last Thursday with me having been told on Monday that not only is cancer in my lymph glands but spread further…
  • PET/CT

    Got the call today to say my PET/CT scan will be Friday at the excellent Freeman hospital in Newcastle. I have read the leaflet and it sounds much more invasive than the CT scan and we will have to make plans for me to be away from the kids for 8 hours as I will be ready brek glow by the sounds of it. The only positive is they can scan my lymph glands prior to my operation next Monday otherwise this area of the scan…
  • 4.45 in the morning

    First post! Never done this before, it's quite exciting, shame it wasn't about something nice. I must commit to this. The reason I am awake is yesterday my specialist nurse and consultant informed my beautiful wife and I that my melanoma has not only spread to my lymph glands in my left leg but also likely in my lung and chest. When they say "likely", read that it has, but I do need a further scan to get more…