Getting on to the roller coaster

  • Andrew Hickie, Hickster 1972


    This is Mrs Victoria Hickie, wife of Andrew Hickie:

    It is five weeks since my husband lost his battle with Melanoma. It was his expectation that I would update his McMillan account with what had happened at his end. However the end, as it was, was unpredictable.

    Andrew died on the Saturday, 10th May.

    On Tuesday 6th May he collapsed . He received head scan and spot in head which was said to be a new arising affecting…

  • Worst blogger...its official


    My last post was end of 2013 and i promised me and any followers i would be more regular and i have not....sorry. This is therefore mammoth...sorry.

    So where am I?  Well it moves fast this disease so here goes...

    At end of 2013 i was on my clinical trial at the excellent Sir Bobby Robson Unit (SRBU) at the Freeman hospital, Newcastle Upon Tyne with a paclitaxel (a type of chemotherapy) and mek inhibitor (a trial drug from…

  • Its been a while


    Totally failed to live up to my promise  to blog regular.  on the plus side thats mainly because i am living life and havent the time albeit that includes multiple hospital visits.

    But as we end 2013 (nearly) a good time to take stock.  I am sort of well and unwell.  Well in that mentally i have myself in a position where i am dealing with stage 4 by effectively living as normally as possible, i dont dwell on maybes and what…

  • On the cusp of chemo


    Ok I failed it has been a month since the last post. To be fair a week of that was spent in Sorrento, Italy with my wife and kids and we had a fantastic time. In the build up to that was more hospital visits as my wound recovered from the left groin dissection. It has healed quite nicely and best of all just before we went away I was told it was well enough to get in the pool and/or the Mediterranean on holiday and I…

  • I have been naughty


    Nothing salacious simply that i promised to keep this blog updated and its been weeks but the title may have attracted a wider audience.

    2 September was hospital day so the children (5 and 3) stayed at my wifes friends the night before so we could get to the RVI for 7.30am. Kids love sleepovers.  I wasnt looking forward to mine so much! My wife was nervous but i was calm as we waited in ward 45 and thankfully i was first…