1 minute read time.
Got the call today to say my PET/CT scan will be Friday at the excellent Freeman hospital in Newcastle. I have read the leaflet and it sounds much more invasive than the CT scan and we will have to make plans for me to be away from the kids for 8 hours as I will be ready brek glow by the sounds of it. The only positive is they can scan my lymph glands prior to my operation next Monday otherwise this area of the scan would be inconclusive had it been post operation. On the downside we were going to have a family day out at Kielder, perhaps we can move to Saturday. I finished work today. People know my predicament and I nearly cry at every sign of support and comfort. I feel like a dead man walking, like its not me. I am in charge of a big team so need to be strong and I have somehow managed to be throughout externally at least. It's been a good distraction though. I managed to get through work and leave it in some semblance of order and actually performed quite well at a Committee even though I had been up since 4am dwelling on things and joining this site. Work is done for now. Tomorrow I have both kids for the day so want to spoil them and do something nice. In the evening out with my four closest friends for a curry and a few pints which was all pre arranged before this dreadful latest news. It will be difficult tomorrow night I know. Then it's off to the PET/CT scan on Friday to go nuclear... Until then..